Spring Validation Example

Brendan Benson

Spring Validation enables you to use annotations and interfaces to simplify validation logic. This tutorial provides examples of how to do a few “real-world” validations for a JSON API.

After completing this tutorial, you’ll know how to

  • Validate Java objects using custom and built-in validators and annotations
  • Handle validation exceptions and present the errors to client-side applications

You’ll be able to write code like:

private Integer price;

and get JSON responses like:

    "field": "price",
    "code": "Min",
    "rejectedValue": -3

Browse the completed version of this tutorial on GitHub: SpringValidationExample

  1. If you already depend on spring-boot-starter-web, then you already have Spring Validation. Otherwise, you’ll have to include org.springframework:spring-context.

  2. Annotate the argument you want validated with the @Valid annotation. In this case we’re validating an API request to create a product in our system (in ProductController.java).

    @RequestMapping(value = "/products", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public Product create(@Valid @RequestBody ProductCreateRequest productCreateRequest) {
        Product product = productCreateRequest.toProduct();
        return product;
    class ProductCreateRequest {
        private String name;
        private String sku;
        private Integer price;
    public class Product {
        private String sku;
        private String name;
        private Integer price;
        private LocalDateTime createdAt;

  3. Create a class that implements org.springframework.validation.Validator. (Don’t confuse this with javax.validation.Validator.)

    import org.springframework.validation.Validator;
    public class ProductCreateRequestValidator implements Validator {
        private ProductRepository productRepository;
        public ProductCreateRequestValidator(ProductRepository productRepository) {
            this.productRepository = productRepository;
        public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
            return ProductCreateRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
        public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
            ProductCreateRequest productCreateRequest = (ProductCreateRequest) target;
            if (productRepository.exists(productCreateRequest.toProduct())) {

  4. Tell Spring to bind the validator to data from web requests. In ProductController, autowire the validator and create a method annotated with @InitBinder("productCreateRequest"). (Note: specify the name of the request parameter - otherwise Spring gets confused with multiple binders)

    private ProductCreateRequestValidator productCreateRequestValidator;
    public ProductController(ProductCreateRequestValidator productCreateRequestValidator) {
        this.productCreateRequestValidator = productCreateRequestValidator;
    public void setupBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {

  5. So far, we’ve validated uniqueness of a product by checking if it already exists in our database. To validate that the product has a name and SKU (@NotBlank) and a non-negative price (@Min(0)), we can simply annotate the ProductCreateRequest.

    import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank;
    import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
    class ProductCreateRequest {
        private String name;
        private String sku;
        private Integer price;

  6. Unfortunately, if we send invalid data to the /products endpoint, Spring will respond with a verbose, unhelpful error message. To have the application to respond with a useful, consistent error message, Spring must intercept the MethodArgumentNotValidException caused by the invalid data, and format it. Create a @ControllerAdvice class to handle this exception universally.

    public class ApiValidationExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
        protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentNotValid(
                MethodArgumentNotValidException ex,
                HttpHeaders headers, 
                HttpStatus status,
                WebRequest request
        ) {
            BindingResult bindingResult = ex
            List<ApiFieldError> apiFieldErrors = bindingResult
                    .map(fieldError -> new ApiFieldError(
            List<ApiGlobalError> apiGlobalErrors = bindingResult
                    .map(globalError -> new ApiGlobalError(
            ApiErrorsView apiErrorsView = new ApiErrorsView(apiFieldErrors, apiGlobalErrors);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(apiErrorsView, HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY);
    public class ApiErrorsView {
        private List<ApiFieldError> fieldErrors;
        private List<ApiGlobalError> globalErrors;
    public class ApiFieldError {
        private String field;
        private String code;
        private Object rejectedValue;
    public class ApiGlobalError {
        private String code;

  7. When the application receives a request with invalid data, it will respond with a status code of 422 (Unprocessable Entity) and a nice JSON description of why.

        "fieldErrors": [
                "field": "price",
                "code": "Min",
                "rejectedValue": -3
        "globalErrors": [
                "code": "AlreadyExists"

  8. Browse the completed code on GitHub: SpringValidationExample

The Spring Validation Documentation explains these concepts further.

How are you doing validation on your Spring project? Let me know in the comments.

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